3 Ways To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays
The Holiday season is a great time of year!
Surrounded by family, friends, and co-workers - often times - there is so much to celebrate.
However, this is also a time of year, when people feel it necessary to share things with you.
Some share their deepest, darkest secrets....
Some share a New Year's kiss at midnight...
But the most widely shared thing this time of year...
Trust me - it's not what you think!
This time of year - besides it being known as the Holiday season - is a season that most people want to forget.
In fact, it's a time of year that people run and hide, and barely try to converse with others.
Yes, that's right - it's cold and flu season!
And this can lead to headaches, body aches, coughs, achy joints, and fevers.
But, someone like you would not let a little cold hold them back, would you?
Of course not!
So you go to parties, to the gym, or to work where you may pass your cold or flu to someone else!
It happens more often than you think.
In a minute, I will reveal to you THREE of the easiest ways to protect yourself this cold and flu season, and reduce your chances of catching what someone else is carrying.
Three Easy Ways to Fight Back Against Cold and Flu Season
Besides avoiding anyone who has the cold and flu - which may not be easy - there are other ways to fight back against it.
In fact, studies show that there may be THREE ways to reduce your risk for developing the cold or the flu.
And no, it doesn't have anything to do with Vitamin C...
Or, eating the right foods...
Or even avoiding people with a cold!
In fact, these three tips are so common - and practical - that you can start implementing them today, in order to prevent the illnesses that most often lead to lost work time, family time, or GYM time!
The Best Ways to Fight off A Cold
Most people load themselves up with cold and flu medicine, cough drops, and plenty of vitamins C or other natural remedies that they can think of.
Of course, all these remedies may help you when you actually have a cold or the flu, but what can you do to prevent them?
Here are three easy ways:
Get Enough Sleep
Nothing boosts your immune system like getting enough good, quality sleep.
In order to reduce your risk - and reduce stress at the same time - you should aim for at least eight to ten hours of uninterrupted sleep.
This may not only boost your immune system, but it could also lead to significant reductions in your weight.
Reduce Your Stress
Stress not only causes high blood pressure, headaches, and higher heart rates, but it also may suppress your immune system – making it the perfect breeding ground for invasive viruses to enter.
Stress also increases your cortisol level -not good for weight loss - which also reduces your immune system's ability to fight off intruding viruses or bacteria.
Plus, if you haven't noticed, the more stressful a job environment you work in, the more likely you - or others - will become sick, which
could spread easily in a high-stressed, closed-knit job environment.
In order to reduce your stress, you need to take some time for yourself - yoga, meditation, or exercise - in order to reduce stress and boost your immunity to the common cold or the flu.
One last suprise...
Use Probiotics
Probiotics - which are live bacteria found in supplements, fermented milk, and yogurt - may also be beneficial during cold and flu season.
In fact, a study showed that the use of probiotics during a cold (or flu) resulted in less time lost at work...
Reduction in cold/flu symptoms...
Plus, the cold typically ended sooner than someone not on probiotics!
How do they work?
Some studies show that probiotics may increase beneficial bacteria in your gut - which have been shown to boost your immune system - and may improve other aspects of health as well.
Fight Back - Starting TODAY
If you want to stay happy - and healthy - this holiday season, then implementing these common-sense strategies for boosting your immune system may be a smart move on your part.
Sleeping more and reducing your stress are keys to strengthening your immune system.
Plus, probiotics may replenish beneficial bacteria in your gut, which could also boost the strength of your immune system and enable you to fight off impending cold or flu viruses.
Click Here To Reserve Your FREE Bottle Of Prograde Probiotics >>
About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.